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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  July 26, 2012 1:40am-4:00am PDT

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>> reporter: in fact, dr. labell's studies for climate centl, which monitor global warming, says farmers and consumers better get used to tougher growing conditions and higher prices. >> the new normal for agriculture is going to be frequent episodes of very high temperatures, temperatures at which pretty much any crop does not do very well. >> reporter: food now only 6% of the average american's budget but sure to rise along with temperatures and crop prices. jim avila, abc news, washington. >> and the parched land may not be producing as much food as usual, but in florida, some folks there, they're turning to the sea. >> the recreational lobster mini-season got under way in south florida. and lobster lovers were up before the crack of dawn hoping to catch enough for dinner and then some. each person is allowed to catch 12 lobsters, no more than 6 a day. >> one visitor said the hardest part is getting his lobsters into his hotel. >> i love it.
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>> that season only lasts two days, so today is the last day. go for it, guys. >> best season of the year. >> get the butter warm. coming up next, 6 million reasons why some people cannot wait to try on a bionic suit. >> i think i can wait. and a popular chicken restaurant owner's controversial comments about gay marriage turned into a nationwide uproar. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- no-no air removal.
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i only use french's french fried onions on my crunchy onion chicken because it's america's number one brand. just minutes to make, then bake! with the azerbaijani wrestling team. ♪ can febreze air effects defeat the smelly air in their gym for good? [ man ] what can you smell? [ inhales deeply ] a lot of flowers.
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it's on the zingy side of floral. potpourri factory, maybe. you can take off your blindfolds now. oh my gosh. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] success. victory over odors, for good, both here and in your home. febreze. breathe happy. trash builds up and can make your dishwasher smell. over time, grease and residue get stuck inside. for an intensive clean, use finish dishwasher cleaner. it's taking out the trash for your dishwasher.
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welcome back, everyone. a popular fast-food chain in the middle of a pr nightmare. chick-fil-a has gone from the frying pan to the fire for its ceo's vocal opposition to same sex marriage. >> as abc's ron claiborne reports, everyone from public leaders to the muppets are now taking sides. >> reporter: the head of atlanta based chick-fil-a has never made a secret of his christian conservative leanings. his national chain with more than 1,600 outlets is never open on sundays. but dan cathy's latest comments
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denouncing gay marriage set off a firestorm. >> i think we are inviting god's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage. >> reporter: reaction was swift. the henson company which partnered with chick-fil-a to bring muppet toys to kids meals announced it was ending their commercial relationship. in chicago, where a new chick-fil-a was slated to open on this site, public officials said not a chance. >> chick-fil-a's values are not chicago values. they're not respectful of our residents, our neighbors, and our family members. >> reporter: in a statement to abc news, chick-fil-a said it treats every person with honor, dignity and respect, regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender. >> unless there is a really good reason -- and there rarely is -- the personal views of the individual in charge of the company, it's not a good idea to comingle them with the product.
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>> reporter: chick-fil-a is fighting back. the chain said it pulled the muppet toys because of safety concerns before henson cut its ties to them. and two former republican presidential candidates, mike huckabee and rick santorum are leaping to the defense of chick-fil-a. santorum tweeting, "with two of my boys enjoying chicken strips and an awesome peach shake at chick-fil-a. santorum, huckabee and conservative organizations are calling for a massive show of support for chick-fil-a by eating at their restaurants august 1. so far on line, thousands of people have said they will. ron claiborne, abc news, new york. >> bring us to the face book question of the day. >> will chick-fil-a's stand on same sex marriage make you more or less likely to eat there? we want to know what you think about this. log on to let us know what you think. he has a right to his opinion. people have the right not to buy the chicken. there we are. we are back with more right after this. le have the right not to buy the chicken. there we are. we are back with more right after this.
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♪ ♪ >> well this sound like the stuff of science fiction giving paraplegics the ability to walk again and doing it by wearing a >> well this sound like the stuff of science fiction giving paraplegics the ability to walk again and doing it by wearing a robot. >> i heard that bionic woman song. a california company in the process of perfecting a bionic device that does just that. and our correspondent reports on this pretty remarkable technology. >> reporter: sarah anderson is trading her wheelchair for a pair of bionic limbs. if only for a moment. standing and walking, taking one huge step forward. >> it is not just for myself but other people. i know what it feels like not to be able to walk. so i could see other wheelchair users and i sympathize with that. >> reporter: this is a bionic suit from a company, ekso, the suit is remote controlled,
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designed to allow those in church of the nativiti wheelchairs the power to stand and walk on their own. it mimics a real body. anderson showed how the suit worked. >> it is very easy to turn. >> mary beth davis will be the first here to try it out. the oklahoma state veterinarian student lost the use of her legs in a car accident two years ago. >> i am really anticipating getting to work with it. i don't think it hit me yet that i am going to get to do that. but, yeah. not nervous. really excited. >> 2,600 steps. >> reporter: at the heart of this all, a sense that it is helping those who can't help themselves by simply overcoming the impossible. one step at a time. >> medical miracle. really, it's unbelievable. >> the steps that just the whole medical world is taking right now is just amazing. no pun intended there, the steps. this costs $130,000.
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the company hopes to sell them for $50,000 to $75,000 in a couple years, 2014. contingent on whether insurance will reimburse and pick up the tab. >> hopefully they will. give people their life and legs back. we'll be back, i should say, with more right after this. back. we'll be back, i should say, with more right after this. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wet cleaning better doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops, swiffer can maneuver into tight spaces and its wet mopping cloths can clean better in half the time.
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this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. ♪ just going to stand there and hear me cry ♪ ♪ that's all right because i love the way you lie ♪ >> that is a great song the i love that song. >> somebody has been done wrong. ♪ i can't tell you what it really is ♪ >> club overnight. 4:00 a.m. sorry, go ahead. >> go, rob. go, rob. >> feeling it. well, edward's love may be immortal, but apparently love is too much for one of these vamps to handle. >> kristin admitted to cheating on robert pattison with a married father of two, the
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married man, the director of her latest film. here is david wright with more. >> reporter: right now, actor, teen heartthrob, robert pattison might be wishing his twilight character hadn't bothered to block the swerving chevy minivan because his love interest on and off the screen in the vampire saga, the actress who plays bella swan confirmed she's been cheating on him. >> say it out loud? say it. >> reporter: kristin stewart came clean, driving a stake through the heart of every teenage girl who pines for edward. and more particularly through the heart of the actor who played edward, rob pattinson. >> he said he wants to marry her. i think this is devastating for her. >> reporter: who is the other guy? turns out it's a guy old enough to be her father. 41-year-old rupert sanders who directed stewart in "snow white and the huntsman." paparazzi caught the two, in a public park overlooking the hollywood sign. this week, "us weekly" published the pictures. >> the photos in "us weekly" are
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clear. there is no question what went down. >> sanders is married with two kids. his wife of almost nine years was also in "snow white and the huntsman." surveys actually suggest cheaters are in the minority, just 16% of married men and women according to one study. in fact the survey suggests men and women are equally likely to cheat. as animals we approach it differently. women are more likely to come clean. and more likely to initiate divorce. kristin did apologize for the hurt and embarrassment the affair caused. this momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person i love and respect the most, rob. i love him. i love him. i'm so sorry. bella swan could not have put it any better. i'm david wright in hollywood. >> ironically, a couple months ago, robert told italian vanity fair, there is a thing i never got.
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that is why do people cheat? i am not a casual affair kind of guy. if i choose to be with someone, [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. go to our website below to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network,
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this morning on "world news now" -- disturbing details the suspected movie theater gunman's apparent actions leading up to last week's deadly shootings in colorado. >> why a notebook linked to james holmes is sending shock waves through the investigation. it's thursday, july 26th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good thursday morning, everybody. i'm paula faris. or as rob likes to call it friday eve. >> friday eve. just makes it psychologically easier towards the end of the week. >> could we say tgife? >> there you go. >> thank god it's friday eve. >> there you go. see, well done, paula.
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you are always thinking. >> not really. >> good morning, everybody. i am rob nelson. we'll explain how the colorado investigation is taking a strange new turn. we'll get to that in a second. on top of that, olympic embarrassment. a big flag flap. i've got to say that slowly. >> oh, yes. hot water. >> just one big business that is not going as planned in london. it's been a rough start by all accounts. some security issues and then traffic issues. we have the flag dust-up. kind of been -- eh. >> the opening ceremony hasn't even happened. >> we have miles to go. >> also coming up. an 11-year-old boy with a runaway story for the ages. how did he hop an international flight with no ticket or i.d.? >> that story is so crazy. later, the backstage drama in a smash hit comedy. how the stars of "modern family" are playing a little game of hardball. coming up next in "the skinny." first possible clues and missed signals in the colorado shooting.
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>> this intense new phase of the investigation is coming against a backdrop, of course, of ongoing grief as friends and family begin saying good-bye to the 12 murdered victims in this case. abc's dan harris reports now from aurora. >> reporter: abc news learned a notebook believed to be written by the suspect james holmes was mailed to the university of colorado where holmes had been a student until dropping out last month. fox news is reporting the notebook was mailed to a psychiatrist at the university and that it contains, quote, full details about how he was going to kill people, drawings of what he was going to do in it, drawings and illustrations of the massacre. there are conflicting reports on whether the notebook arrived at the university before or after the massacre. but it apparently wasn't found until monday during a search of the mail room. this of course raises questions about whether, if the package had been found before last thursday, the carnage could have been avoided. the university will not confirm
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the existence of the notebook, but released a statement saying it delivers the mail the same day it is received. the university has also refused to say whether james holmes was seeing a psychiatrist. campus officials have insisted they handled the holmes' case correctly. >> to the best of our knowledge at this point we did everything that we think we should have done. >> reporter: as we learn more about holmes it appears his downward spiral from a successful, apparently happy student, to an accused mass murderer seems to have begun sometime after he enrolled in the ph.d. program here last fall, where he reportedly struggled academically. abc news has learned that on june 7th, hours after holmes took a key oral exam, which according to our local station he failed, he went out to this local sporting goods store and bought a high-powered rifle adding it to his growing arsenal. three days later he withdrew from the ph.d. program offering no explanation. experts say it is possible that holmes has a mental illness that was exacerbated by the stress of academic failure.
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one of many theories now being discussed. also, we have now seen the first of 12 funerals. gordon cowden was the oldest victim. he was 51 years old. he took his two teenage children to the movies last thursday night, and he never came home. dan harris, abc news, centennial, colorado. >> thank you, dan, for that. you have to wonder here, was the fact that he failed this key oral exam, and then went out and got the rifle was that really what triggered it? some kind of academic failure. he was a gifted kid by all accounts. he did well in school, really one of the brightest of the bright here. but if that rifle that he bought after failing the exam was growing -- because he already had an arsenal by that point. so, something actually happened before he failed the exam to kind of start this behavior. you have to wonder what was that? this breakup, alleged breakup? the academic troubles, what fueled all this? >> i think it was interesting that he sent this package that
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had the very specific drawings of what was going to happen and what he was going to do, to a specific psychiatrist on campus. they evacuated the building for three hours today. the university would not give us any indication whether he was seeing the psychiatrist. why would he send it to one specific psychiatrist if he had not been going to that psychiatrist for therapy? >> who knows? the guy plotted this out very carefully. you have to wonder -- did he intentionally leave clue behind. how orchestrated is this? we will see. lots of questions of course. the mother of cal ripken jr. is safe this morning after being kidnapped at gun point from her home outside of baltimore. 74-year-old vi ripken found in the backseat of her car yesterday with her hands bound a day after she was forced into the car, blindfolded, and then driven around. the abductor reportedly lit cigarettes for her, stopped for food and said he would not hurt her. police say, bizarrely enough there was not any kind of ransom demand.
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>> just wanted food in her car apparently. the punishment handed to penn state's football program could have been far more severe. the school now confirms it actually faced the threat of a four-year ban on the football program. a university spokesperson confirms. instead, the ncaa and penn state agreed to a $60 million fine, four-year bowl game ban, reduced football scholarships and forfeiture of 112 wins. the trustees now say the punishment was unfortunate but better than that alternative. the trustees, a lot of them were upset they weren't even involved in the process. it was between the ncaa and the university president. but the ramifications of this, they say the most significant decision in the history of penn state. we didn't know, the financial impact of this decision, could run as high as $500 million. and we didn't know anything about it. but, they really had no choice. it was either take this or the death penalty for four years. >> right. some would argue, maybe this, what they came up with was worse than the death penalty. we will see. again, thoughts with sandusky's victims first and foremost. football will be fine.
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let's hope they get their lives back together after what they had to endure. security is ultra tight in london as a record 250,000 passengers steamed through heathrow airport a day before the opening ceremonies for the olympics. final rehearsal for the ceremony was held last night before a huge crowd of spectators. but the games have already begun and so have the scandals. here is abc's nick schifrin. >> reporter: a spectacular comeback, the u.s. women's soccer team rallied from 2-0 to beat france, 4-2. at least they got to celebrate under the right flag, which not everyone got. look at this. that's the south korean flag on the board there, but those are north korean athletes. because of that, they refused to take the field for an hour. that was one of the stumbles. look closely at the logos there. those with keen eyes might realize some are fake. you see in this era of austerity, egyptian athletes are wearing chinese copies. the real thing, too expensive. but at least they made it to the olympics.
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this greek triple jumper is grounded after she sent out a tweet, mocking immigrants. and the coach of south korean sailing team caught drowning in booze. she got a dui in london and is headed home too. let's be honest, the games are about sport. the americans did very well, thank you. last week here in london, there has been a lot of talk about security fiascos and horrible traffic, but organizers insist they will be ready for the opening ceremony on friday night. looks like those american women are ready as well. nick schifrin, abc news, london. >> good luck to all the folks in london getting around town for the next two, three weeks. here is your thursday forecast, everybody. hot and humid in the northeast. some violent evening storms on the way. also, tornados could threaten, new york, pittsburgh, cleveland, storms could hit beantown, d.c., detroit and st. louis. also some showers along the gulf coast. thunderstorms in the rockies. 106 in phoenix. 90s from boise to albuquerque. across the south.
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80s from minneapolis to new york. and we have a look now, something big on the jersey shore. and, no, it has nothing to do with our friend snooki. >> she is getting big though -- with child. instead the dream of an artist who happens to be a marine biologist. look at this giant horseshoe crab. 47 feet long. the concrete weighing in at 25,000 pounds. can't dip that in butter can you? but you won't be able to see this exact replica for lopg. it is heading straight to the bottom of the ocean in the next couple weeks. >> it will be taken three miles off the coast becoming actually an artificial reef to attract fish and the world's largest underground sculpture. >> i would imagine it would sink pretty fast as well. >> science major, i can tell you. you are good, paula. good. >> i failed science. >> a daredevil's successful plunge from space. get this, he's already planning another death defying stunt. and how an 11-year-old boy
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ran away, took a flight, and nobody asked for a ticket or i.d. only in america or wherever it happened. you're watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- lifestyle lift. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- lifestyle lift. septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable.
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and then went all the way to rome alone. here is the bbc's danny savage. >> reporter: security around airports has always been tight. and even more so since the terrorist threat increased after 9/11. but this is the story of a schoolboy who arrived at manchester airport with no passport or travel documents, fooled security, and took off on a flight. >> these things do happen. the security mix is human and it's also machine. and occasionally people who work here in this industry fail to, to come up with the goods when it is necessary. >> reporter: the boy's journey began at his home in the wythenshawe, manchester, a short distance from the airport. it was while the jet flight was airborne, en route to rome, that it raised alarm. the boy was kept on board in rome and flown back home. this is the place where passengers are meant to be checked first time as they go air side. at this point they're meant to show a boarding card.
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that didn't happen. >> when you go as a family up to security generally you present your boarding cards as a group of boarding cards. the boy was mixed in with a large number of children and other family members, clearly our staff didn't count the right number of children versus the right number of boarding cards. >> reporter: the boy was scanned to make sure no dangerous items could be taken on board. he then headed for the nearest flight. jet staff should have checked his passport and boarding pass but they didn't and have now been suspended. within minutes he was airborne leaving the airport and airline with serious questions to answer. >> and he got five bags of pretzels. >> oh, really! >> yeah, i want to know how he pulled that off. >> that's like ten pretzels. >> like three in a bag. apparently the staff have been suspended while the investigation takes place. >> look at us. >> what? what's that about? >> come on in, junior. >> he looks innocent. let him through.
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>> come on in, boy. >> give me a $50. i'll let you in. >> that's how it works. coming up next, the real life feud involving the cast of "modern family." the hollywood a-list couple healing after a big breakup. it's all next in "the skinny." >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our abc sta
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> speaking of skinny, demi moore is pretty skinny. she's thin these days. also has got a new man. looks like according to. >> we linked her to a-rod. remember that a few days ago? >> a-rod. a couple pals. i don't think they were making out or anything. maybe they did -- but you know? >> rumors. >> exactly. that was in new york city. images obtained from "life & style" magazine she was seen canoodling with martin anderson, he's a new zealand born actor. he is quite dashing, i must say. he is 12 years younger than her. she likes the younger men. she is 49. he is 37. ashton, 34. 15 years younger. they were grocery shopping, lunching in connecticut.
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an eyewitness tells the magazine that they were very comfortable with one another. of course, ashton has completely moved on with how many women now? but i think he is seeing mila kunis. >> he's in good hands. >> very good hands. >> no complaints there. also did a story a few weeks ago, she is having some, a estranged relationships with her daughters. hope she is focusing on that not trying to get back into the love department yet. there is time for all that. if she is happy, rock on, demi. ♪ if it makes you happy who sings it? sheryl crow. >> i knew that. >> no you didn't. >> you jumped the gun. bristol palin kind of back in the news a little bit. she has a new show on lifetime, "bristol palin, life's a tripp," tripp obviously the name of her young son. apparently there was a little flap, there was a scene on the reality show. where he kind of dropped an f word here, a gay slur begins with letter f, you can figure that out. she is responding to that. saying, i'm not proud of what he did say.
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sadly though he used a different "f" word. lifetime filmed over 12 months on and off, and they caught a moment on film that would cause any parent to be red in the face. and tripp, surrounded by adults, camp fires, at the shop with my dad, snow machine buddies, he picked up language i prefer he not use on national television or at home. even though she is open about her opposition to gay marriage, she said she never encouraged her young son to ever use a gay slur. some folks wondering, they thought they heard the "f" word on tv, and she said, no, it's not that "f" word, but it's another "f" word she's not proud of. put your life on reality tv, bound to catch a moment or two on tape that you have to explain. >> people will say this is an indication of parenting. going to the park with my kids. i was there with three other girls, teenage girls, i had to remove my kids from the situation. they were using such foul language and talking terrible stuff. >> teenage girls? >> i was hoping my kids didn't overhear that because that certainly didn't come from us.
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>> you will know when you get home -- where's my -- dinner? >> in the microwave like everything else. straight from the box. add water, oil. here you go. >> three minutes. so "modern family" star, got to admit. fantastic show. >> love it. >> several key cast members, sofia vergara, filed suit against 20th century television to void their contracts. in the tv industry, actors, actresses, s.a.g., they get 4% to 6% pay increases $40,000 to $70,000 per episode. >> man, we're in the wrong business. >> honestly, in situations like this, with a massive hit, million dollar hit, they're trying to get new contracts. >> the show is that popular. they're like show me the money, you know what i mean? they're bringing in the money, we know that for sure. >> last but not least, kirstie alley is getting sued by a woman that she did false advertising
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for a company called organica y liaison program. said i lost 100 down to size 6. the woman bought it based on the ad. says she hasn't benefited from the program. it is full of lies, and misrepresentations. kirstie facing a suit for unspecified damages. 3q
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so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. ♪ jump might as well jump >> this dude is crazy! >> yes. >> we told you. >> or call me maybe. that was bad. that was awful. sorry. that was god awful. >> where did that come from? >> i don't know where that came from. that was weird. >> the daredevil was planning to jump to earth from 18 miles up. i'm sure he was listening to "call me maybe" the entire plunge down. will i die, maybe? >> he pulled it off. this guy, felix baumgartner hit speeds more than 500 miles an hour as he fell back to earth.
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as abc's josh elliott reports, all of this was actually just a warm-up. >> reporter: in the predawn darkness, preparations begin on earth for a leap from the stratosphere. the balloon gently fills with helium, a vessel made of material as thin as a dry cleaning bag that will left felix baumgartner more than 90,000 feet above the earth. with the wind at bay, the capsule lifts off. >> 6,300 feet. >> reporter: 90 minutes later it reaches an altitude of 18 miles or 96,640 feet to be precise. baumgartner pushing the limits on what we know about endurance both physical and mental. without his high tech pressurized suit the slightest error would mean he wouldn't be able to breathe, and the water in his body would actually boil and then vaporize. >> it is almost overwhelming. you are standing there in the pressure suit the only thing you hear is yourself breathing, see the curve of the earth, see the
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sky is totally black. >> reporter: only then is baumgartner ready to jump. >> one step forward is an important step. you know you are coming home. >> reporter: during his descent he goes from 0 to 536 miles an hour in just 25 seconds. 14 minutes later he makes a delicately perfect landing in the new mexico desert. >> felix has landed safely back to earth. >> reporter: to think that this was just mere practice for the big event. that's right-- next month, baumgartner plans to drop to the earth from some 120,000 feet in the sky. if successful, he will break a 52-year-old record and along with it the sound barrier. something of a super-heroic feat, never before accomplished by man alone. josh elliott, abc news, new york. >> thank you, josh. >> 96,640 feet. [ whistling ] >> what did i do to my hair? >> that's paula on her way to work. >> splat!
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>> announcer: this is abc's "world news now,"
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this morning on "world news now" -- kidnapping mystery. why would anyone abduct the mother of baseball star cal ripken jr.? >> the strange circumstances, the leads police are following after a strange ordeal came to an end. it's thursday, july 26th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good thursday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm paula faris. we'll get to the long list of questions about that kidnapping of cal ripken jr.'s mother. in a moment. she was gone nearly 24 hours. >> no ransom note, weird. no connection to money.
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just odd. >> he said he wasn't going to hurt her. >> what was the point? >> took her to get food. lit her cigarette. didn't seem like he knew who her son was, cal ripken jr. >> bizarre. an abc news exclusive, michael jackson's mom speaks out on the drama that is dividing her family. >> good to finally hear from her. she's back home in l.a. after some still mysteriously explained days in arizona, all of that. so we will check in with the matriarch in a second. another abc news exclusive on top of that, former first lady laura bush opens up in a wide-ranging interview, including why she and her husband will not be going to the republican convention. >> then, why are you laughing? >> i think it is obvious. anyway, we'll get to that. the young mom who wants help raising money for breast implants, and she wants just the website to do it.
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hmm. are you pitching in? you still have $2. $2 in your wallet. >> $2. usually i don't have anything. >> $3? $3, yes, indeed. help her out. get a little, uh-huh. christmas early this year, girl. police in maryland are trying to piece together a bizarre kidnapping case involving the mother of baseball legend cal ripken jr. >> 74-year-old vi ripken found in the back seat of her car yesterday with her hands bound. she was abducted at gun point from her home a day before. abc's roosevelt leftwich reports from suburban baltimore. >> reporter: aberdeen has its share of crime, but few stories really make the big headlines. it's a community where little old ladies can usually walk the streets with no problem. that's what the community here is having a hard time grasping, why would anyone harm a 74-year-old woman? why would anyone abduct cals
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>> it was sort of -- exited there -- i said in aberdeen, someone is getting kidnapped that don't sound right. >> reporter: everyone in town knows her and her famous son. she has done a lot in this community to promote sports and education among children. >> she participates in all fund-raising that goes on. she volunteers at the club. when she participates in our governance meetings, when vi talks, people listen. >> reporter: vi ripken helped create the boys and girls c of hartford county 22 years ago, which provides services for more than 3,700 children. they love her here because she has done so much and is very involved. and folks here say t're tied her up. blindfolded her. tied her up. blindfolded her. was going to put tape on her investigators a to cameras at a baltimore county
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royal farms and a diner will provide them with clues. the suspect got gas and food at the station as he drove around for hours with this woman who is a pillar in her small community. roosevelt leftwich, abc news, baltimore. in other news this morning, michael jackson's mother has now broken her silence in the middle of her explosive family drama. in an abc news exclusive, katherine jackson denied rumors she was being held against her will. speaking from an arizona spa, she said she had been resting and is just fine. jackson turned up after a judge granted temporary custody though of michael's three children to their cousin t.j. in case you are wondering who t.j. is, the son, 34-year-old son of brother tito. >> i'm devastated that while i have been away that my children, my grandchildren have been taken away from me. >> she said the ruling was based on lies. meanwhile her son randy is denying reports that sister janet slapped michael's daughter paris during a pretty heated confrontation earlier this week. in aurora, colorado, the oldest victim of last friday's massacre is the first to be laid to rest. 11 more funerals will follow. while families and friends bid good-bye to the victims, investigators are following disturbing new clues. here is abc's larry jacobs. >> reporter: in denver,
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wednesday afternoon the first of what will be too many memorial services all for the vtims of last week's shooting rampage. 51-year-old, gordon cowden brought his teenage children to the movie. they escaped unharmed. he lost his life. >> it was hard, but it was good. >> reporter: in aurora, some of the survivors of that rampage now heading home, healthy enough to reflect on that night. >> even though i didn't know if i would live that night, much less have my leg, god was with me, and i was at peace. i was okay. >> reporter: in a gesture of compassion, three of the hospitals will limit or wipe out their medical bills. so many of the victims are young, not insured and could face insurmountable costs. now new information about a suspicious package delivered to the university of colorado services facility building monday prompting a nearly three-hour evacuation.
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abc news learned that investigators are examining a notebook reportedly sent to a psychiatrist at the school where holmes had been a student. the school maintains it is unable to discuss anything further about holmes or that package, citing a gag order placed on the case by a judge. larry jacobs, abc news, new york. >> wonderful news the medical bills will be partially or entirely covered. i think it's such a great thing to hear that too. one of the new details that came out, on june 7, after james took a key oral exam, he went out to a sporting goods store and bought one of the rifles he used in the attack. three days later he withdrew from the program. he ultimately did fail the exam by the way. so, now they're wondering was the academic failure something that triggered whatever episode he had that led to the shooting? also, the other situation is that maybe there was a recent breakup with a girlfriend, and that could have been a contributing factor as well. no one knows for sure. it's all pretty speculative. >> he had been ordering shipments for four months. it's hard to think that one
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failed exam triggered it. >> there was a mental illness underlying it all, and the breakup or failure brought it all to the surface. that's a theory. >> we heard a theme of forgiveness. a lot of the survivors say they actually forgive the shooter. one guy who was shot three times says when he saw images of holmes at his first court appearance he wants to tell holmes he forgives him and wants to pray for him. >> that takes a gracious spirit. it takes a while to get to that place. the suspect in a mass shooting is being told if he doesn't shave his beard it will be removed for him. major nadal hasan is the army psychiatrist charged with killing 13 people at ft. hood in texas three years ago, another dark moment in this country. he did appear in court yesterday with the beard that he sported at a hearing last month. it is in violation of army rules, but he claims it is an expression of his muslim faith. penn state trustees now admit things could have been a
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lot worse for the university's football program. the school is now confirming that it faced the threat of a four-year ban on football. that so-called death penalty has not been used against a school since back in 1987. the trustees say penn state's punishment was unfortunate, but certainly better than the alternative. federal agents are going to review two deadly police shootings in southern california. the shootings have sparked four days of often violent protests in the los angeles suburb of anaheim. the mother of one of the victims pleaded yesterday for violence to end saying it is not going to bring her son back. it was a frightening ordeal for four window washers on the vegas strip. the workers were stranded outside the 35th floor of the vidora hotel when the platform stalled. the firefighters had to lower them to safety one by one. the rescue took about three hours as temperatures soared into the triple digits, a hot ride, but lucky they're okay. also, toxicology results have backed up kerry kennedy's
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claim following a car crash earlier this month. the daughter of robert f. kennedy had a generic version of ambien, a sleep drug in her system when the car hit a truck. no other drugs or alcohol were found. kennedy told police she may have mistakenly taken ambien instead of medication for her thyroid. >> a health alert to any one working the night shift. your weird hours could put you at risk of heart disease. let me get your pulse. we need a doctor on set. >> i'm back. i had a moment. i'm back. i'm sorry. >> european and canadian doctors reviewed records of more than 2 million people. they discovered that night shift workers have a 41% higher risk of coronary problems, including heart attacks. until now there was no study linking shift workers to heart disease. i just want to say right now, this is going to be us, can you read this? get a little closer. rob, are you okay? seriously? >> having a little episode. i am back.
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>> is there any health benefit to working late? >> every show we do about overnight shift is bad. sleep deprivation, ingestion of caffeine, heart attacks. it's never good. >> weight gain. delirium. tongue-tied. there's got to be something good about working the overnight shift? please find it for us. please. >> the record drought in, just playing, in the midwest is playing grinch to christmas tree farmers. the evergreens are turning brown out there, literally baking in all the hot, dry weather. one farmer says he already lost 900 trees. that were supposed to be sold this christmas. so hitting him in the wallet. so it could have an impact on the holidays. all the ripple effects here. >> do you want to put your money away? the $3. >> saving it for the breast implant story, like i told you. tornados could threaten a big area from the ohio valley to new york. showers, east texas to florida. thunderstorms in colorado and new mexico. >> so glad we are a.m.s. certified meteorologists. >> 90s in the rockies.
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80s from the northeast along the pacific coast as well. we have all heard of homespun ways to raise a little money. of course the kid's lemonade stand. always a classic. school car wash, maybe even a bake sale. what do you do if you want money for how do i put this -- >> tatas. >> bigger breasts. >> nicole gomez. a 24-year-old mother of two. trying to raise $7,500 to get implants. turns out that, in this internet age, there's a website for it, and nicole has just joined it. >> it's called, mind-free implants. it connects women who want the procedure with people who are willing to donate the money. >> what's in it for the benefactors? >> everyone has a cause. some want to save the whales. some want to save the rain forest. some just want women to have their fake tatas.
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we have to pick a cause. improve the world. >> you are passionate. >> very. >> this is a titillating story. let's move on. >> my $3 today. mail my $3. from the white house to painting houses. we're catching up with former first lady laura bush. >> don't send it in an abc news sanctioned envelope. >> no, no. >> the hotel that caters to only heartbroken couples. check in married and check out divorced. you're watching "world news now." now you put your money back in your wallet. your wallet. ♪ ♪ ♪s is a heart >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. health care. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. check in married and check out weather brought to you by united .
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welcome back, everybody. former president george w. bush will not be attending the republican convention next month. he said he prefers to stay out of politics. what did he call it -- >> i'm getting out of the swamp, and i'm not crawling back in.
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but his wife laura stepped into the public eye, in washington, attending a conference on aids. >> reporter: i was surprised to see that neither you or president bush are going to the republican convention. >> that's right. >> reporter: why is that? >> well, both bushs are not going. george's dad played the age card. let's just say that. we just felt like we will, be watching from the sidelines. >> reporter: she is not afraid to take on republicans who want to cut foreign aid. >> it's in our moral interest as a country. the wealthiest country in the world. and we still are the wealthiest country in the world to -- to help other people if we can. >> reporter: the president, her husband, launched a $15 billion effort to fight aids in africa, something that caused elton john this week to tell us that bush had done more to fight aids than any other president. >> i didn't like his policies, but i have to say, when i met him, i found him charming,
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well-informed, and i found him very determined to do something to fight the aids situation. >> that's very nice. but it is a amazing. it isn't george. it is the american taxpayer who funded it. and americans should be very, very proud. >> reporter: for the bushs, the mission continues, recently making their second trip to africa in eight months. >> reporter: on this latest trip you mention you went and refurbished a clinic, did some painting. i noticed president bush seemed to get a little more paint on himself in some cases. >> exactly. than i did. i was a very neat painter. >> do you let him paint around the house? >> no, actually. george wanted people there, especially, to see him as a laborer. and it was a labor of love. >> jonathan karl, abc news, washington. >> i think you have to respect the fact that he's made it a point over and over again to say, look, i'm out of office. i am not getting back into politics. not going back there. >> i'm getting into the painting business. >> i am doing other stuff.
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probably the healthy attitude, most presidents could learn something from. i did my time. it is someone else's turn to run the race. see you. that's been his stance. >> it was an interesting point what elton john said, regardless of his politics, he did the most for aids awareness than any other president. >> on that issue elton agreed with him, yes. coming up next, quickie divorces. ñcús
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welcome back. >> a marriage can be quick, but rarely is it easy. >> a dutch hotel is trying to make it a little less painful. here is abc's lama hassan. >> reporter: christie brinkley, paul mccartney, madonna, famous faces also known for high profile divorce cases. >> not the starfordshires. >> reporter: they can be pricey, painful, and just plain old messy. remember "war of the roses." just like tomkat's out-of-court settlement, avoiding what could
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have been an epic divorce battle, there's an easier way to end a marriage. enter dutch entrepreneur jim halfence, who has come up with this idea for the couples on the way to splitsville. >> come to us we divorce you in three days. >> reporter: welcome to divorce hotel for a fee between $3,500 and $10,000. you check in friday night with your spouse, married, with the help of lawyers and after a weekend of counseling, mediation and determining alimony costs you check out divorced on sunday. >> clearly the approach here is get your divorce handled quickly, efficiently, and with the least amount of stress on the parties. the cons, on the other hand, are what's going to slip through the cracks? how accurate were they when they disclosed value of their property, houses, cars, income. their boats. >> reporter: while a divorce hotel is quick and cheap, it is hard work. >> a lot of emotions that comes through the process. so it is a weekend with ups and
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downs. >> reporter: and it is not for everyone. couples are carefully vetted. >> it is no use to go into a hotel with two people arguing and fighting all day. we can go into the hotel, but it will be a very big disappointment. if we have doubts, we advise you to do traditional divorce. >> reporter: roger and tara from san jose, california, are desperate to book a room at the divorce hotel. after being married eight years they decided to split amicably and quickly. >> i think if you can do it stress-free and especially when there's kids involved, and keep it amicable, that's a great thing. >> this, to me, psychologically, makes a lot more sense, and you get to hang out at a five-star hotel. things could be much worse. >> reporter: 17 couples tried it so far, and only one didn't make it. if you want a quick resolution to your failed marriage -- it is time to check out the divorce hotel and check in. lama hassan, abc news, london. >> i like the idea. kind of cool. no shocker here. now looking to turn the whole
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thing into a reality tv show. of course. >> uh-huh. >> rooms by the hour. >> i will be leaving "world news now" to host that show, right? >> make that money, girl. we'll be back. right? >> make that money, girl. we'll be back. 3q
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♪ anything for you ♪ sko the opening ceremony is friday, nothing but the best for the egyptian national team. so apparently their jumpsuits and bags were made by nike and adidas. well, maybe not. they're actually counterfeit bags. they fessed up to it and said authentic nike and adidas bags would be way too expensive. one of the athletes. she tweeted the point is we would rather wear plain white or black shirts than this stuff. what they're doing is really pointless. so with that, they have these large nike logos on the bags, on the front, zippers have adidas written on them.
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>> all bootleg gear. >> they're like, hey, if nike has a problem with it, go to the counterfeiters in china. don't you think nike and adidas would have donated? >> egypt had a rough year, fighting for their democracy. give them a break. >> real quick, a rift between north-south korea since 1953. apparently before north korea, women's soccer match against colombia, they won by the way, they put the photo of one of the soccer players up but accidentally put the south korea flag next to it. they came off the field in protest, 40 minutes they sat there. it's like eh. >> that does not sit well. those two do not get along two decades. i heard there's some beef. get this too, i like this, interesting story here. apparently, cursing on the job, using profanity on the job is not good for your career. in chicago said wednesday that 64% of employers said they think less of an employee who habitually swears.
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67% say they'd be less likely to promote someone who curses in the office. men curse more than women. the two top cursing cities are washington and denver of all places. >> denver? where the -- do they do that study? >> i don't know, i think this study is utter bull [ bleep ] and i don't understand. they can take these stats and shove them right up your -- lucky i didn't say it. you guys are slow upstairs. luckily i pulled back on that one. >> glad you did. you are good at pulling back. >> i've been on the overnight so long too that this explains a lot. >> so if you are a thief and you break into somebody's house what is one of the first things you will go for? >> tv, jewelry. >> not in illinois. this woman was gone in vegas. the tv remained, other valuables. the thief took a pink bag containing sex toys and antibiotics. she sells them. she needed to take inventory and see what item hs been stolen, according to the police. imagine she has that many sex
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toys she had to take inventory to see what was gone. >> bizarre burglary. i don't know much about this case, but i am willing to bet, that guy gets off.
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this morning on "world news now" -- family feud. the fight involving michael jackson's siblings, children and mother takes a very disturbing turn. >> now there is a legal fight involving jackson's children as the king of pop's mother tells her side of the story. it's thursday, july 26th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody. happy friday eve. i'm rob nelson. >> i love friday eve. >> we're getting there. >> we are almost there. >> your hair is different tonight too? >> yeah, stuck my finger into the socket. >> looks good, little curly-curl. >> on facebook you saw my hair in curlers, all in curlers tonight.
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>> i did notice you had a little different thing. it's cute. it's good. >> it will be flat in six minutes. get your stop watch ready. >> we'll get to exclusive comments from katherine jackson in a moment. then the latest on the colorado massacre investigation. you will hear how the hot topic of gun control has the presidential candidates somewhat divided. still kind of delicately diving into this pool. very delicately. >> they're kind of tiptoeing around this thing. the bottom line is nothing is going to happen, no matter what either obama or romney says. capitol hill is not going to act on this as we have said for days. certainly interesting comments from both camps yesterday. also on this thursday morning, crops are burning up and feed for cattle and chicken are costing farmers a bundle. the problem doesn't end there. wait until you hear about your grocery bills. we are all going to pay the price for this drought. later, the hot "twilight" actress who owned up to having
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an affair with an older married man who directed her latest film. it is kristin stewart's private sex life and it is now public. rob will have all the details with the story. he has been on it since day one. by it, i don't mean kristin stewart. >> doesn't do much for me. i'm not condoning infidelity on any level, but it's nice for once for the woman to be in trouble as opposed to the guy. every time it's the guy running around with the mistresses and this and that, and finally, it's a woman this time. so it's a two-way street. >> can we constitute her as a woman, she is 16. she is in her 20s. >> old enough to know. we begin with the reappearance of katherine jackson, mother of the late king of pop, speaking out the same day she temporarily lost custody of her own grandkids. >> surrounded by members of her divided family the jackson matriarch spoke exclusively to abc news -- you can see by that huge abc news exclusive banner
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on the bottom of the screen. she says she is just fine. abc's brandi hitt has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rob, paula. as more drama develops between the jackson family, a judge is now stepping in and katherine jackson is putting rumors to rest. the jackson family feud has taken another turn. a judge has now granted t.j. jackson, tito's son, temporary guardianship over jackson's three children in the absence of their grandmother katherine. >> i intend to get paperwork immediately filed to get her reinstated as guardian. >> i am devastated that, while i have been away, that my grandchildren have been taken away from me. >> reporter: the grandchildren claim they were cut off from katherine during her trip to arizona and t.j. told the judge when he spoke to katherine over the phone, i never heard her talk like that. some words sounded slurred. in an exclusive interview. katherine said she is returning to los angeles. >> there are rumors going on about me that i have been kidnapped and held against my will.
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i am here to let everybody know i am fine. >> reporter: adding to the drama this week, surveillance video shows janet, randy, and jermaine jackson at katherine's estate, where tmz reports there were several fights. there is speculation this family fight is all about michael's money. >> with the kids goes tens of millions, hundreds of millions. even potentially billions of dollars. >> randy jackson blames the executors of michael's estate for creating this mess over a bogus will. >> the estate using my mother, nephews and nieces as pawns to protect their own financial greed and gain. >> reporter: attorneys representing several jackson family members will be back in court on the custody issue next month. rob and paula, back to you. >> thank you, brandi. the interesting thing here is the kids have become the chess pieces because, until they're a certain age, the money follows the kids. we are talking about michael jackson. so we're talking about mountains and mountains of money. could be billions according to analysts as time goes on.
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he made so much money since his death. >> the majority of it. >> where the kids are, the money follows. that's why custody has become a hot issue. randy jackson talked exclusively to "gma" and told them, look the incident about jackson slapping paris and paris slapping janet is absolutely untrue. never happened. he tried very hard to put that rumor to bed and say that never happened. >> tmz reporting that too. katherine jackson says she's devastated that temporary custody has been taken away -- or actually, permanent custody has been taken away from her for just a short period of time. she didn't even really tell the kids where she was going and didn't call them when she got there. so what's a judge supposed to do? you can't just leave if you are the guardian. >> there are a lot more questions right now than there are answers, and no one really knows except the jackson clan what's going on right now. i think it is sad that, that it deteriorated to this. that kind of fame. that kind of money. kids involved. it is getting messy. now played out for all us to see. it is ugly. nearly a week after the shooting rampage in colorado,
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details are emerging that suspect james holmes may have mailed plans for a massacre to the school where he had struggled. abc news has learned investigators are examining a notebook reportedly sent to a psychiatrist at the university of colorado. it contains stick figure drawings of shootings. that package was opened monday but it's not known if it arrived before or after the massacre. meantime, mourners gathered for the first of a dozen funerals. as 51-year-old gordon cowden was laid to rest. >> it was awesome just remembering him and really just supporting the family. it was just a great memorial and uplifting him, yeah, just kind of how it was. it was hard, but it was good. >> and three hospitals caring for the survivors now plan to put a limit on their medical bills or wipe them out completely. no word on what the other two hospitals are planning on doing. >> such great news. they don't have to be saddled with all those expenses. such great news.
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the colorado tragedy, as we have said now for days, has pushed the issue of gun control right into the presidential race. president obama told supporters in new orleans last night that ak-47s, well they belong in the hands of soldiers, not criminals. and while the president told the crowd that he supports second amendment rights, it is time for both parties to work together to reduce violence. mitt romney weighed in on the shooting as well in london, apparently, though, with some erroneous information. romney said the guns purchased by james holmes were done so illegally and no laws need to be changed to prevent further tragedies. investigators say holmes lawfully bought an assault style rifle, a shotgun, as well as a glock handgun and that he did pass the required background checks. we do want to clarify, romney actually said this person shouldn't have had any kind of weapons, bombs, or other devices, but it was illegal for him to have any of those things already. we don't know -- it's unclear whether or not he obtained some
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of the chemical materials illegally. so whether or not he was speaking specifically -- >> that was not a statement romney made initially. he clarified later after the initial statement. the interesting thing politically with romney is that, as governor of massachusetts, he did sign back in 2004 a ban on assault rifles. and the federal law has since expired too. when asked about that in an interview, he took the same stance, i don't think we need to change the laws as we stand now. but as governor of massachusetts, which he doesn't talk a lot about on the trail, he did support the ban the federal government once had, but he's backed away from that since. >> several democrats actually support -- or don't agree with a ban on these assault weapons as well. doesn't matter which side of the aisle you're on. >> just a matter of having a key conviction and sticking with it. the presidential candidates will have a chance to debate gun
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control and many others come october. they'll meet for three debates. the first on october 3rd will be about domestic policy. the second on the 16th of october will be a townhall meeting where people will ask the questions. the third, final one coming on october 22nd, that one will focus on foreign policy. well just hours after the senate voted to extend the bush tax cuts for the middle-class, president obama lashed out at republican lawmakers in the house. the president accused the gop of holding the tax cuts hostage. debates continue over extending the same cuts for the nation's wealthiest citizens as well. a move that would cost $1 trillion over the next decade. the historic drought leaving more than half of the country bone dry right now is about to deliver a financial blow to the american family. government economists warn that everyone should expect to shell out more at the supermarket. details now from abc's jim avila. >> what are the ones at the bottom? >> reporter: shopping day for barbara webb, bracing for a sharp jump in food prices over the next nine months. >> of course i am concerned. i am concerned for the people who can't afford it. >> reporter: usda forecast predicting nearly a 5% food
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price hike, an expensive jolt fueled by the great american drought that consumers will soon start to see at the checkout. you have a family of three, two children. approximately in a week you are spending what? >> $150. >> reporter: if the usda economists are right means she will spend $160 a week next year adding up to $500 more out of her yearly budget. a hike so broad it is difficult to shop around. affecting the foods americans eat most. last year's milk price, $3.57 a gallon. by early 2013, projected at $3.84. ground beef, 2011 price, $2.77 a pound. by next year, more than $3. eggs last year, $1.77 per dozen. by 2013, nearly $2. >> this year is very emblematic of the type of thing we worry about with climate change. >> reporter: in fact, dr. labell's studies for climate
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central, which monitor global warming, says farmers and consumers better get used to tougher growing conditions and higher prices. >> the new normal for agriculture is going to be frequent episodes of very high temperatures, temperatures at which pretty much any crop does not do very well. >> reporter: food now only 6% of the average american's budget but sure to rise along with temperatures and crop prices. jim avila, abc news, washington. >> and the parched land may not be producing as much food as usual, but in florida, some folks there, they're turning to the sea. >> the recreational lobster mini-season got under way in south florida. and lobster lovers were up before the crack of dawn hoping to catch enough for dinner and then some. each person is allowed to catch 12 lobsters, no more than 6 a day. >> one visitor said the hardest part is getting his lobsters into his hotel. >> i love it. >> that season only lasts two days, so today is the last day. go for it, guys.
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>> best season of the year. >> get the butter warm. coming up next, 6 million reasons why some people cannot wait to try on a bionic suit. >> i think i can wait. and a popular chicken restaurant owner's controversial comments about gay marriage turned into a nationwide uproar. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- no-no hair removal.
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i only use french's french fried onions on my crunchy onion chicken because it's america's number one brand. just minutes to make, then bake! with the azerbaijani wrestling team. ♪ can febreze air effects defeat the smelly air in their gym for good? [ man ] what can you smell? [ inhales deeply ] a lot of flowers.
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it's on the zingy side of floral. potpourri factory, maybe. you can take off your blindfolds now. oh my gosh. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] success. victory over odors, for good, both here and in your home. febreze. breathe happy. trash builds up and can make your dishwasher smell. over time, grease and residue get stuck inside. for an intensive clean, use finish dishwasher cleaner. it's taking out the trash for your dishwasher.
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welcome back, everyone. a popular fast-food chain in the middle of a pr nightmare. chick-fil-a has gone from the frying pan to the fire for its ceo's vocal opposition to same sex marriage. >> as abc's ron claiborne reports, everyone from public leaders to the muppets are now taking sides. >> reporter: the head of atlanta based chick-fil-a has never made a secret of his christian conservative leanings. his national chain with more than 1,600 outlets is never open on sundays. but dan cathy's latest comments denouncing gay marriage set off a firestorm.
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>> i think we are inviting god's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage. >> reporter: reaction was swift. the henson company which partnered with chick-fil-a to bring muppet toys to kids meals announced it was ending their commercial relationship. in chicago, where a new chick-fil-a was slated to open on this site, public officials said not a chance. >> chick-fil-a's values are not chicago values. they're not respectful of our residents, our neighbors, and our family members. >> reporter: in a statement to abc news, chick-fil-a said it treats every person with honor, dignity and respect, regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender. >> unless there is a really good reason -- and there rarely is -- the personal views of the individual in charge of the company, it's not a good idea to comingle them with the product. >> reporter: chick-fil-a is fighting back. the chain said it pulled the muppet toys because of safety
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concerns before henson cut its ties to them. and two former republican presidential candidates, mike huckabee and rick santorum are leaping to the defense of chick-fil-a. santorum tweeting, "with two of my boys enjoying chicken strips and an awesome peach shake at chick-fil-a. santorum, huckabee and conservative organizations are calling for a massive show of support for chick-fil-a by eating at their restaurants august 1. so far on line, thousands of people have said they will. ron claiborne, abc news, new york. >> bring us to the face book question of the day. >> will chick-fil-a's stand on same sex marriage make you more or less likely to eat there? we want to know what you think about this. log on to let us know what you think. he has a right to his opinion. people have the right not to buy the chicken. there we are. we are back with more right after this. the chicken. there we are. we are back with more right after this.
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well, this sounds like the stuff of science fiction giving paraplegics the ability to walk again and doing it by wearing a robot. >> i heard that bionic woman song. a california company in the process of perfecting a bionic device that does just that. and our correspondent reports on this pretty remarkable technology. >> reporter: sarah anderson is trading her wheelchair for a pair of bionic limbs. if only for a moment. standing and walking, taking one huge step forward. >> it is not just for myself, but it's like other people. i know what it feels like to not be able to walk. i can see other wheelchair users, and i sympathize with that. >> reporter: this is a bionic
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suit from a company, ekso, the suit is remote controlled, designed to allow those in wheelchairs the power to stand and walk on their own. it mimics a real body. anderson showed how the suit worked. >> it is very easy to turn. >> mary beth davis will be the first here to try it out. the oklahoma state veterinarian student lost the use of her legs in a car accident two years ago. >> i am really anticipating getting to work with it. i don't think it hit me yet that i am going to get to do that. but, yeah. not nervous. really excited. >> 2,600 steps. >> reporter: at the heart of this all, a sense that it is helping those who can't help themselves by simply overcoming the impossible. one step at a time. >> medical miracle. really, it's unbelievable. >> the steps that just the whole medical world is taking right now are just amazing. no pun intended there, the steps. this costs $130,000.
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the company hopes to sell them for $50,000 to $75,000 in a couple years, 2014. contingent on whether insurance will reimburse and pick up the tab. >> hopefully they will. give people their life and legs back. we'll be back, i should say, with more right after this. back. we'll be back, i should say, with more right after this. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wet cleaning better doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops, swiffer can maneuver into tight spaces and its wet mopping cloths can clean better in half the time.
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this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. ♪ just going to stand there and hear me cry ♪ ♪ that's all right because i love the way you lie ♪ >> that is a great song. i love that song. >> somebody has been done wrong. ♪ i can't tell you what it really is ♪ >> club overnight. 4:00 a.m. sorry, go ahead. >> go, rob. go, rob. >> feeling it. well, edward's love may be immortal, but apparently human desires are too much for one of these vamps to handle. >> kristin admitted to cheating on robert pattinson with a married father of two, the married man, the director of her latest film. here is david wright with more.
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>> reporter: right now, actor, teen heartthrob, robert pattinson might be wishing his "twilight" character hadn't bothered to block the swerving chevy minivan because his love interest on and off the screen in the vampire saga, the actress who plays bella swan confirmed she's been cheating on him. >> say it out loud? say it. >> reporter: kristin stewart came clean, driving a stake through the heart of every teenage girl who pines for edward. and more particularly through the heart of the actor who played edward, rob pattinson. >> he said he wants to marry her. i think this is devastating for him. >> reporter: who is the other guy? turns out it's a guy old enough to be her father. 41-year-old rupert sanders who directed stewart in "snow white and the huntsman." paparazzi recently caught the two canoodling in a car and in a public park overlooking the hollywood sign.
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this week, "us weekly" published the pictures. >> the photos in "us weekly" are clear. there is no question what went down. >> sanders is married with two kids. his wife of almost nine years was also in "snow white and the huntsman." surveys actually suggest cheaters are in the minority, just 16% of married men and women according to one study. in fact the survey suggests men and women are equally likely to cheat. as animals we approach it differently. women are more likely to come clean. and more likely to initiate divorce. kristin did apologize for the hurt and embarrassment the affair caused. "this momentary indiscretion has jeopardized and hurt the most important thing in my life, the person i love and respect the most, rob. i love him. i love him. i'm so sorry." bella swan could not have put it any better. i'm david wright in hollywood. >> ironically, a couple months ago, robert told italian vanity fair, there is a thing i never got. that is why do people cheat? i am not a casual affair kind of
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guy. if i choose to be with someone, i really want it. >> sorry. i don't want rob to find out this way. i'
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this morning on "world news now" -- disturbing details the suspected movie theater gunman's apparent actions leading up to last week's deadly shootings in colorado. >> why a notebook linked to james holmes is sending shock waves through the investigation. it's thursday, july 26th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good thursday morning, everybody. i'm paula faris. or as rob likes to call it friday eve. >> friday eve. just makes it psychologically easier towards the end of the week. >> could we say tgife? >> there you go. >> thank god it's friday eve. >> there you go. see, well done, paula. you are always thinking.
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>> not really. >> good morning, everybody. i am rob nelson. we'll explain how the colorado investigation is taking a strange new turn. we'll get to that in a second. on top of that, olympic embarrassment. a big flag flap. i've got to say that slowly. >> oh, yes. hot water. >> just one big business that is not going as planned in london. it's been a rough start by all accounts. some security issues and then traffic issues. we have the flag dust-up. kind of been -- eh. >> the opening ceremony hasn't even happened. >> we have miles to go. >> also coming up. an 11-year-old boy with a runaway story for the ages. how did he hop an international flight with no ticket or i.d.? >> that story is so crazy. later, the backstage drama in a smash hit comedy. how the stars of "modern family" are playing a little game of hardball. coming up next in "the skinny." first possible clues and missed signals in the colorado shooting.
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>> this intense new phase of the investigation is coming against a backdrop, of course, of ongoing grief as friends and family begin saying good-bye to the 12 murdered victims in this case. abc's dan harris reports now from aurora. >> reporter: abc news learned a notebook believed to be written by the suspect james holmes was mailed to the university of colorado where holmes had been a student until dropping out last month. fox news is reporting the notebook was mailed to a psychiatrist at the university and that it contains, quote, full details about how he was going to kill people, drawings of what he was going to do in it, drawings and illustrations of the massacre. there are conflicting reports on whether the notebook arrived at the university before or after the massacre. but it apparently wasn't found until monday during a search of the mail room. this of course raises questions about whether, if the package had been found before last thursday, the carnage could have been avoided. the university will not confirm the existence of the notebook,
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but released a statement saying it delivers the mail the same day it is received. the university has also refused to say whether james holmes was seeing a psychiatrist. campus officials have insisted they handled the holmes' case correctly. >> to the best of our knowledge at this point we did everything that we think we should have done. >> reporter: as we learn more about holmes it appears his downward spiral from a successful, apparently happy student, to an accused mass murderer seems to have begun sometime after he enrolled in the ph.d. program here last fall, where he reportedly struggled academically. abc news has learned that on june 7th, hours after holmes took a key oral exam, which according to our local station he failed, he went out to this local sporting goods store and bought a high-powered rifle adding it to his growing arsenal. three days later he withdrew from the ph.d. program offering no explanation. experts say it is possible that holmes has a mental illness that was exacerbated by the stress of academic failure. one of many theories now being
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discussed. also, we have now seen the first of 12 funerals. gordon cowden was the oldest victim. he was 51 years old. he took his two teenage children to the movies last thursday night, and he never came home. dan harris, abc news, centennial, colorado. >> thank you, dan, for that. you have to wonder here, was the fact that he failed this key oral exam, and then went out and got the rifle was that really what triggered it? some kind of academic failure. he was a gifted kid by all accounts. he did well in school, really one of the brightest of the bright here. but if that rifle that he bought after failing the exam was growing -- because he already had an arsenal by that point. so, something actually happened before he failed the exam to kind of start this behavior. you have to wonder what was that? this breakup, alleged breakup? the academic troubles, what fueled all this? >> i think it was interesting that he sent this package that had the very specific drawings
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of what was going to happen and what he was going to do, to a specific psychiatrist on campus. they evacuated the building for three hours today. the university would not give us any indication whether he was seeing the psychiatrist. why would he send it to one specific psychiatrist if he had not been going to that psychiatrist for therapy? >> who knows? the guy plotted this out very carefully. you have to wonder -- did he intentionally leave clue behind. how orchestrated is this? we will see. lots of questions of course. moving on this morning, the mother of baseball legend cal ripken jr. is safe this morning after being kidnapped at gunpoint from her home outside of baltimore. 74-year-old vi ripken found in the backseat of her car yesterday with her hands bound a day after she was forced into the car, blindfolded, and then driven around. the abductor reportedly lit cigarettes for her, stopped for food and said he would not hurt her. police say, bizarrely enough there was not any kind of ransom demand. >> just wanted food in her car apparently.
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the punishment handed to penn state's football program could have been far more severe. the school now confirms it actually faced the threat of a four-year ban on the football program. a university spokesperson confirms. instead, the ncaa and penn state agreed to a $60 million fine, four-year bowl game ban, reduced football scholarships and forfeiture of 112 wins. the trustees now say the punishment was unfortunate but better than that alternative. the trustees, a lot of them were upset they weren't even involved in the process. it was between the ncaa and the university president. but the ramifications of this, they say the most significant decision in the history of penn state. we didn't know, the financial impact of this decision, could run as high as $500 million. and we didn't know anything about it. but, they really had no choice. it was either take this or the death penalty for four years. >> right. some would argue, maybe this, what they came up with was worse than the death penalty. we will see.
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again, thoughts with sandusky's victims first and foremost. football will be fine. let's hope they get their lives back together after what they had to endure. security is ultra tight in london as a record 250,000 passengers steamed through heathrow airport a day before the opening ceremonies for the olympics. final rehearsal for the ceremony was held last night before a huge crowd of spectators. but the games have already begun and so have the scandals. here is abc's nick schifrin. >> reporter: a spectacular comeback, the u.s. women's soccer team rallied from 2-0 to beat france, 4-2. at least they got to celebrate under the right flag, which not everyone got. look at this. that's the south korean flag on the board there, but those are north korean athletes. because of that, they refused to take the field for an hour. that was one of the stumbles. look closely at the logos there. those with keen eyes might realize some are fake. you see in this era of austerity, egyptian athletes are wearing chinese copies. the real thing, too expensive. but at least they made it to the olympics. this greek triple jumper is
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grounded after she sent out a tweet, mocking immigrants. and the coach of south korean sailing team caught drowning in booze. she got a dui in london and is headed home too. let's be honest, the games are about sport. the americans did very well, thank you. last week here in london, there has been a lot of talk about security fiascos and horrible traffic, but organizers insist they will be ready for the opening ceremony on friday night. looks like those american women are ready as well. nick schifrin, abc news, london. >> good luck to all the folks in london getting around town for the next two, three weeks. here is your thursday forecast, everybody. hot and humid in the northeast. some violent evening storms on the way. also, tornados could threaten, new york, pittsburgh, cleveland, storms could hit beantown, d.c., detroit and st. louis. also some showers along the gulf coast. thunderstorms in the rockies. 106 in phoenix. 90s from boise to albuquerque.
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and across the south. 80s from minneapolis to new york. and we have a look now, something big on the jersey shore. and, no, it has nothing to do with our friend snooki. >> she is getting big though -- with child. instead the dream of an artist who also happens to be a marine biologist. look at this giant horseshoe crab. 47 feet long. the concrete weighing in at 25,000 pounds. can't dip that in butter can you? but you won't be able to see this exact replica for long. it is heading straight to the bottom of the ocean in the next couple weeks. >> it will be taken three miles off the coast becoming actually an artificial reef to attract fish and the world's largest underwater sculpture. >> i would imagine it would sink pretty fast as well. >> science major, i can tell you. you are good, paula. good. >> i failed science. coming up, a daredevil's successful plunge from space. get this, he's already planning another death defying stunt. and how an 11-year-old boy
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ran away, took a flight, and nobody asked for a ticket or i.d. only in america or wherever it happened. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- lifestyle lift. . septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable.
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side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ my little runaway ♪ a run-run-run runaway ♪ >> who was that? >> bill shannon, "runaway." >> oh, yeah. >> what year was that, dave? long time ago. last century. now to a baffling breach of airport security. an 11-year-old runaway boy managed to board a flight in manchester, england. no passport, no ticket. >> what's worse, he took a seat and then went all the way to rome alone.
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here is the bbc's danny savage. >> reporter: security around airports has always been tight. and even more so since the terrorist threat increased after 9/11. but this is the story of a schoolboy who arrived at manchester airport with no passport or travel documents, fooled security, and took off on a flight. >> these things do happen. the security mix is human and it's also machine. and occasionally people who work here in this industry fail to, to come up with the goods when it is necessary. >> reporter: the boy's journey began at his home in the wythenshawe, manchester, a short distance from the airport. it was while the jet 2 flight was airborne en route to rome that passengers raised the alarm. the boy was kept on board in rome and flown back home. this is the place where passengers are meant to be checked first time as they go air side. at this point they're meant to show a boarding card.
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that didn't happen. >> when you go as a family up to security, generally, you present your boarding cards as a group of boarding cards. the boy was mixed in with a large number of children and other family members, clearly our staff didn't count the right number of children versus the right number of boarding cards. >> reporter: the boy was scanned to make sure no dangerous items could be taken on board. he then headed for the nearest flight. jet 2 staff should have checked his passport and boarding pass, but they didn't and have now been suspended. within minutes he was airborne leaving the airport and airline with serious questions to answer. >> and he got five bags of pretzels. >> oh, really! >> yeah, i want to know how he pulled that off. >> that's like ten pretzels. >> like three in a bag. apparently the staff have been suspended while the investigation takes place. >> look at us. >> what? what's that about? >> come on in, junior. >> he looks innocent. let him through. >> he'll be fine. come on now.
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come on in, boy. >> give me a $50. i'll let you in. >> that's how it works. coming up next, the real life feud involving the cast of "modern family." the hollywood a-list couple healing after a big breakup. it's all next in "the skinny." >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our abc stations.bñ?xús1@ú?
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♪ skinn ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> speaking of skinny, demi moore is pretty skinny. she's thin these days. also has got a new man. looks like according to. >> we linked her to a-rod. remember that a few days ago? >> a-rod. a couple pals. i don't think they were making out or anything. maybe they did -- but you know? >> rumors. >> exactly. that was in new york city. images obtained from "life & style" magazine she was seen canoodling with martin anderson, he's a new zealand born actor. he is quite dashing, i must say. he is 12 years younger than her. she likes the younger men. she is 49. he is 37. ashton, 34. 15 years younger. they were grocery shopping, lunching in connecticut.
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an eyewitness tells the magazine that they were very comfortable with one another. of course, ashton has completely moved on with how many women now? but i think he is seeing mila kunis. >> he's in good hands. >> very good hands. >> no complaints there. also did a story a few weeks ago, she is having some estranged relationship with her daughter. hope she is focusing on that not trying to get back into the love department yet. there is time for all that. if she is happy, rock on, demi. ♪ if it makes you happy who sings it? sheryl crow. >> i knew that. >> no you didn't. >> you jumped the gun. bristol palin kind of back in the news a little bit. she has a new show on lifetime, "bristol palin, life's a tripp," tripp obviously the name of her young son. apparently there was a little flap because there was a scene recently on her reality show where he kind of dropped an "f" word here. it's a gay slur that begins with the letter "f." you all can figure that out. she is responding to that. saying, i'm not proud of what he did say.
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sadly though he used a different "f" word. lifetime filmed over 12 months on and off, and they caught a moment on film that would cause any parent to be red in the face. tripp is's always surrounded by adults, camp fires with friends, at the shop with my dad, snow machine buddies, he picked up language i prefer he not use on national television or at home. even though she is open about her opposition to gay marriage, she said she never encouraged her young son to ever use a gay slur. some folks wondering, they thought they heard the "f" word on tv, and she said, no, it's not that "f" word, but it's another "f" word she's not proud of. put your life on reality tv, bound to catch a moment or two on tape that you have to explain. >> people will say this is an indication of parenting. going to the park with my kids. i was there with three other girls, teenage girls, i had to remove my kids from the situation. they were using such foul language and talking terrible stuff. >> teenage girls? >> i was hoping my kids didn't overhear that because that certainly didn't come from us. >> you will know when you get home -- where's my -- dinner?
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>> in the microwave like everything else. straight from the box. add water, oil. here youo. >> three minutes. so "modern family" star, got to admit. fantastic show. >> love it. >> several key cast members, sofia vergara, filed suit against 20th century television to void their contracts. in the tv industry, actors, actresses, s.a.g., they get 4% to 6% pay increases $40,000 to $70,000 per episode. >> man, we're in the wrong business. >> honestly, in situations like this, with a massive hit, million dollar hit, they're trying to get new contracts. >> the show is that popular. they're like show me the money, you know what i mean? they're bringing in the money, we know that for sure. >> last but not least, kirstie alley is getting sued by a woman that she did false advertising for a weight loss program called the organic liaison program.
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kirstie did a commercial saying i lost 100 pounds. i'm down to a size 6. the woman bought it based on the ad. says she hasn't benefited from the program. it is full of lies, and misrepresentations. kirstie facing a suit for unspecified damages. 3q
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so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. ♪ jump might as well jump ♪ jump ♪ might as well jump >> this dude is crazy! >> yes. >> we told you. ♪ call me maybe that was bad. that was awful. sorry. that was god awful. >> where did that come from? >> i don't know where that came from. that was weird. >> the daredevil was planning to jump to earth from 18 miles up. i'm sure he was listening to "call me maybe" the entire plunge down. will i die, maybe? >> he pulled it off. this guy, felix baumgartner hit
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speeds more than 500 miles an hour as he fell back to earth. as abc's josh elliott reports, all of this was actually just a warm-up. >> reporter: in the predawn darkness, preparations begin on earth for a leap from the stratosphere. the balloon gently fills with helium, a vessel made of material as thin as a dry cleaning bag that will lift felix baumgartner more than 90,000 feet above the earth. with the wind at bay, the capsule lifts off. >> 6,300 feet. >> reporter: 90 minutes later it reaches an altitude of 18 miles or 96,640 feet to be precise. baumgartner pushing the limits on what we know about endurance both physical and mental. without his high tech pressurized suit the slightest error would mean he wouldn't be able to breathe, and the water in his body would actually boil and then vaporize. >> it is almost overwhelming. you are standing there in the
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pressure suit the only thing you hear is yourself breathing, see the curve of the earth, see the sky is totally black. >> reporter: only then is baumgartner ready to jump. >> one step forward is an important step. you know you are coming home. >> reporter: during his descent he goes from 0 to 536 miles an hour in just 25 seconds. 14 minutes later he makes a delicately perfect landing in the new mexico desert. >> felix has landed safely back to earth. >> reporter: to think that this was just mere practice for the big event. that's right. next month baumgartner plans to drop to the earth from some 120,000 feet in the sky. if successful, he will break a 52-year-old record and along with it the sound barrier. something of a super-heroic feat, never before accomplished by man alone. josh elliott, abc news, new york. >> thank you, josh. >> 96,640 feet.
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[ whistling ] >> what did i do to my hair? >> that's paula on her way to work. >> splat!
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making news in america this morning. mail bombshell. a package from the accused colorado gunman arrives three days after the movie theater massacre. what secrets will it reveal? about why he was driven to kill. food fears. a new report says this summer's heat and drought will drain our wallets next year. the soaring prices we're going to pay at the grocery store. family feud, the jackson family matriarch appears in public for the first time. since an ugly fight over michael's children. where she's been and why. an abc news exclusive. and to the rescue. how to help three little bear cubs climb out of the d


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